2012 Issue 2 (April 2012) of Cataloger's Desktop was released this morning. This issue includes the following revisions:
* Integrating Resources: A Cataloging Manual -- 2011 Revision
* Library of Congress Policy Statements -- 2012 Update 2
* MARC 21 Format for Authority Data -- Corrections
* MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data -- Corrections
* Provider-Neutral E-Monograph MARC Record Guide -- Revisions to September 2011
Cataloger's Desktop subscribers who also have RDA Toolkit logins will have access to an RDA update later today. Details about the RDA update are online at: http://www.rdatoolkit.org/content/369
AACR2-RDA concordance search
A new feature with this Cataloger's Desktop issue is the ability to search for related rules in AACR2 and RDA by using the rule number from either resource. Here are some examples:
* Search "1.0E1" and retrieve RDA 1.4, LCPS 1.4, and AACR2 1.0E1. Note that because search weighting in Cataloger's Desktop promotes RDA and LCPS to the top of most searches, RDA and LCPS search hits will generally appear ahead of hits in AACR2 and LCRI.
* Search "1.1B1" and retrieve RDA and LCPS,,, as well as relevant entries from the RDA-L discussion list, the MARC Bibliographic format (245), and the Dublin Core documentation.
Please note that you must enclose the rule number you are searching in quotation marks to get expected results. Searches without quotation marks will be broken up wherever there are periods in the rule number.
Please also note that, given Cataloger's Desktop large number of resources, you may want to focus your searches by selecting just a few resources to search at a time. This is accomplished by selecting the table of contents (TOC) checkboxes next to the resource(s), or section(s) of resources, that you wish to search. Additional information about searching is available online at: http://www.loc.gov/cds/desktop/training/4-Search.pdf
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